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Ariel Anderssen
Ariel - Waiting for Henry

Lucinda set out the picnic and settled down to wait. Henry had promised to meet her as soon as he could, and to tell her what his father had said. Lucinda tried not to be hurt at the thought that Henry's father might not approve of her - she was, after all, a thoroughly respectable choice. Her family were wealthy bankers, with a home in London as well as out here in the country. She herself ws utterly moral, upright and modest. She and Henry had fallen for each other at a Christmas ball, and had been secretly meeting since, but they'd behaved terribly well, knowing that they must wait till they were married before giving in to their instincts... But Henry's father wanted him to marry into a farming family, and they were both very afraid that she simply wouldn't do! Henry was telling him today, and they'd agreed to meet in the field furthest from the house to discuss it all afterwards.

Lucinda had brought wine, she thought they might feel the need of it if things hadn't gone well...

She waited and waited, but he didn't come. She started to drift off into daydreams about their future - it was very comforting to imagine; she put together dinner parties, chose menus, named their children... But still, he didn't come. Worried now, she stood up and looked down at the farmhouse in the distance. With relief, she could see a figure advancing through the field towards her... With dazzled eyes, it looked to Lucinda as though there was more than one figure - but surely not?

It wasn't Henry. It wasn't even Henry's father, but two rough-looking farmhands. One of them grabbed her, and flung her to the ground. In a haze of confusion and fear, Lucinda gathered that Henry's father had sent them to find her, and that she wasn't to be let go until she promised to return to London and never see Henry again! Though she was terribly afraid, Lucinda knew she couldn't possibly promise any such thing, and with a voice which wasn't quite steady, she told them so....

Lucinda was thinking the kind of thoughts she'd never felt before in her entire, blameless life. After forcing her to remove her clothes (which she had never done in front of anyone before) the vile men had tied her, with rough rope, to a nearby beam. There was certainly no way to escape, but Lucinda wasn't even considering that. Her mind was occupied by the way the ropes were digging into her most private areas - the indignity of it was assaulting her senses and her vision was blurring with fury. As one of the men sauntered towards her, something in Lucinda snapped.

At the top of her voice, she demanded that he let her go! She threatened him with terrible things, used words she'd never expected to think of, let alone actually say - and she was just taking in breath to scream for help when the other man forced a doubled-up length of rope into her mouth and silenced her completely. Unable to speak, she listened to them as they explained that they'd leave her here over-night and come back for her in the morning, by which time they expected her to have changed her mind about returning to London. Henry was being taken away by his father even now, so wouldn't be able to save her - she was quite alone.

Though she was frightened, it was a great relief when the two men set off back to the farm and left her to contemplate her plight. She had been very much afraid that they would take further advantage of her, and though they'd been profoundly disrespecful in their speech, she took small comfort in the fact that they hadn't taken it any further. Yet.

Lucinda slumped in her ropes, hoping against hope that someone would come and rescue her before it occured to them to come back....

109 pics 38.9 MB zip

ID #: RE_arielfarmhands.zip
Price: $6.99 Per Zip File