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The Elegance Network: Browsing April: Working Late
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Zoe Page (aka April Appleby)
April: Working Late

Feisty redhead April Appleby is working late when a thief breaks in. She struggles, but he overpowers her and starts to search the office for the blueprints of the new nuclear processing plant that she was doing the cost and feasibility study of. She knows it is vital to escape- to raise the alarm!

April, it turns out, is a real kick-and-struggler. Which is what inspired me to do the dramatic blockbuster action movie look for these photos- I think she looks kick-ass :) Incidentally, don't worry that her arms look a bit of an alarming colour in some of the darker shots. It's a side effect of that dramatic film post processing, they didn't look like that in real life!

117 pics 24.5 MB zip

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