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The Elegance Network: Browsing VIDEO: Goldie's Hot Dinner Date
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VIDEO: Goldie's Hot Dinner Date

Goldie had secretly fancied her for months. She was pretty sure she was bi, but she'd been with a succesion of boyfriends and it just hadn't seemed to be the right time to be brave and ask her out. When she dumped the last loser though she seemed to be on the lookout for something a bit different... so Goldie screwed up her courage and asked her for a dinner date... Chanta had had her eye on Goldie for months. She was as subtle as a bitch in heat, almost panting every time Chanta came into the room. She looked daggers at every boyfriend and somehow managed to contrive to have a wardrobe malfunction or flash some ass every time they went clubbing. Chanta had plans for her little admirer on their dinner date...
14.03 minutes (51.5 MB zip)

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Price: $7.50 Per Zip File