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The Elegance Network: Browsing Honey - I sleep in the cellar
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Honey - I sleep in the cellar

I sleep in the cellar. It is a bit cold and very dark down there. Sometimes, my boyfriend comes down with some new satin clothes for me to wear. Sometimes he puts me on a lead and leads me around and around the cellar, like I am his pet. Sometimes he cuffs me, chains me, whips me, forces me down onto my back and spreads my legs wide with a spreader bar and takes me roughly, right there on the cold floor of the cellar, where I sleep.

It is cold in the cellar. But I love it.

It is such a disappoinment when it is Monday morning and he lets me out again so I can go back to my normal vanilla life of my dull job and the daily grind. I can't wait for next weekend, when I will get to sleep in the cellar again!

103 pics 20.5 MB zip

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Price: $6.99 Per Zip File