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The Elegance Network: Browsing Sophia: By the Light of the Embers
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Sophia Smith
Sophia: By the Light of the Embers

Ariel writes;-

Okay, I have to be honest. Sophia and I dreamt up the idea for this set because we desperately wanted to try our respective hands at lighting an open fire. Neither of us had had the chance before, and shooting in front of it would be lovely and warm. And, we enthused at Hywel, it would look beautiful.

And so, battle commenced. I took first try, it didn't work. Sophia and I tried making and nest of scrunched up newspaper, this also failed. After about half an hour of claiming 'we'll give up if this try doesn't work!' Sophia reached desperation point. After filling a tin bucket with balls of newspaper, she took it into the kitchen and lit the whole thing from the hob. With oven gloves on her hands, she then scurried from the kitchen back into the great hall with a bucket full of flames and cast the whole thing into the grate. Which, as it happens, worked perfectly. So we have Sophia to thank for this gorgeous set. If you look closely I wonder if you'll be able to spot any soot on her?

88 pics 22.5 MB zip

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Price: $6.99 Per Zip File