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The Elegance Network: Browsing Chanta Horse
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Chanta Rose
Chanta Horse

I miss Chanta Rose. She has moved to the USA, where she's having the time of her life. But I miss working with her. This was one of the last sets we shot, which we did in August when I went out to Los Angeles. The studio we were using didn't have much in the way of bondage furniture, but it did have this whipping horse. And it had that lovely curtained wall, which I thought would look really good with some sidelighting. And Chanta found these long PVC boots in the boxes of clothes and shoes.

So this set was really just a chance mix of elements, not at all planned. But I think she has never looked more beautiful, and I really like the quality of the light and the clean simplicity of the whole set. All I have to do now is try to remember exactly what I did when I arranged the lights for this set, because it is a lovely effect and I ought to use it again!

Number of Photos: 72 photos, 9.0 MB ZIP file
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Price: $6.99 Per Zip File