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Molly Matthews
Molly - Nail Walker

This was the final sequence of my final shoot in Los Angeles, with my good friend Molly. Now Molly's a bit different from other models. Most models have their kinks and fetishes, but Molly has ALL the kinks and fetishes. You name it, Molly's into it, and into it with a huge big smile and maybe just a few nerves. I wanted something special for the finale, and this was what I came up with. A path of pain. Those are sharp staples she's standing on. I tried it out myself for safety of course, and it was pretty unpleasant but didn't break the skin. I happen to know Molly has extremely sensitive feet, so I thought she might appreciate my little toy.

To warm up, I tied her to the chair and put thumbscrews on her, tightened just beyond the point where she could take the pain without too many complaints. I set up the nailed boards on the floor, then dragged her over to them. I helped her step on, to support her weight so she didn't put too much weight on a small part of her foot. Then I took a few photos. Then Molly decided that although it hurt, it didn't hurt as much as it could. She took a couple of steps forward. You can see from the expression on her face what she thought of that. The final shot shows that no actual damage was done, and she recovered quite quickly. But ask me for a bit of pain and you get what you deserve!

What was Molly like to shoot? A bit odd in some ways, because unlike the other US models I'd been chatting to Molly on and off for a year or so, and we'd already met on a previous trip to LA. So I knew what she could do, and what she personally would like to have done to her. It was quite something to be able to oblige. It was more like an S&M scene than a photo shoot. You might think that tying up these beautiful ladies and photographing them is an arousing experience. You'd be totally wrong. I'm so preoccupied with f-stops, lighting ratios and whether or not the ties look tidy and are secure that I just don't have enough spare brain power to think of sex! Shooting Molly was the one (and so far only) exception to that.

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