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The Elegance Network: Browsing Gwen: Yes, She Likes It!
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Gwen: Yes, She Likes It!

Gwen hadn't been tied up before, but she thought she'd really like it. Actually, before the bondage even actually made an appearance, the photoshoot had taken a pretty sexy turn. But that was because Gwen was so excited about what the bondage was going to be like...

And once she was locked securely into the chunky metal handcuffs, she realised it was even better than she'd been imagining. Cold and heavy, but it was so sexy to finally have a chance to be bound for pleasure!

We hope you enjoy the pictures even half as much as Gwen enjoyed posing for them. Some things just can't be faked, and loving bondage is one of them.

110 pics 34.5 MB zip

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Price: $6.99 Per Zip File