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Sophia Smith
Sophia Smith - Gold Silk Shirt

I like my job. Delivery rider, doesn't sound like much... but I get to go all over the country on a blazing flash motorbike, and I get to go into all these rich celeb gaffs... let me tell you, the things I seen would make your eyes pop out! Like yesterday. I was delivering this package to a businessman's place. You'd know him, he's chairman of a premiership club as well as various other things. Married, of course, but the whisper was he and his missus don't see much of each other. Anyway there was me in me leathers ready to drop this parcel off, but there wasn't anyone around. So I did the usual and tried the door- open. Right, I thought, I'll go in find a good place to leave it. So in I went. The place was really something- like some decadent French Aristo palace from that film with what-is-name diCaprio. All silk curtains and polished floors. Then I saw the decoration. In a spotlight she was, and so still I thought she was a waxwork or a statue or something for a moment. Until the chain rattled a bit when she breathed. Stone me, this is how the other half lives! Silk and satin and a half-naked girl with a body to kill for just chained up and used as decoration in the hallway. I couldn't decide whether to ask her to sign for the package or just leave it.... she wasn't really paying attention to me (I guess I'm just the delivery boy, not some blinged out guest or nothing...) 'Scuse me, love. But can you sign for this package? Only I'm not supposed to just leave it, see... She looked me up and down like I was something she'd trodden in, but she signed the sheet anyway. She didn't say a word. But I saw her look me up and down a second time, and deciding she quite liked the tight cut of me leathers. Does it every time, that. I figure she was supposed to put on a show for the kinky friends of the owner, and I'm sure that wasn't meant to include me... but she had this look in her eyes like she really fancied a bit of rough handling by a leather clad biker, and there was no way I was gonna say no. It ain't polite to refuse a lady...
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ID #: RE_sophiagoldshirt.zip
Price: $6.99 Per Zip File