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Sophia Smith
VIDEO: Sophia - Debtor's Prison

In days of old, they used to throw debtors into a special prison where they must remain until someone came to pay off their debts. A romantic notion, that someone would come riding to the rescue with a blank cheque. These days, creditors can't rely on the prisons to punish those who borrow money with no intention of paying it back. You can declare yourself bankrupt, but don't expect the mob to take no for an answer. They have a specialist who deals with debt repossession, and they love to turn a girl's own home into her very own debtors' prison. They'll tie you to a chair, gagged and bound, cut the clothes from your body, teach you a lesson you will never forget... while the repossession specialists go through your house to reclaim what you owe them!

07.49 minutes (309.5 MB zip)

ID #: RE_Sophia_clothescutoff_1080p.zip
Price: $7.50 Per Zip File