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Claire Topaz
Claire Topaz: Celebrity Bride

Haughty celebrity bride Claire is kidnapped and stripped by her mysterious captors- snapped and papped, to boot! She thinks they are ridiculous and beneath her contempt- but who could have arranged this dastardly deed? Perhaps Kim, her ruthless rival. That bitch! She'd soon have her revenge! Perhaps Sue, her worried wedding arranger, sick of endless demands for perfection? She'd soon teach her a lesson when she got out of here! Or perhaps her husband-to-be? Surely he couldn't be thinking better of the deal? Surely he couldn't resist her boundless charms and her obviously publicity value? After all she was twice the celebrity he was! How dare he, the jumped-up wannabe!

64 pics 120.5 MB zip

ID #: RE_clairetopazraspberryropecreamcorset.zip
Price: $5.95 Per Zip File